Char Pots 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pictured here is my second attempt at Char Pots, a new method to the previous successful trial of Char Pots. Read on for more.
For several years I have been creating bamboo biochar from excessive bamboo biomass (old culms) around the area to create a 100% char flooring in a duck pen. In places it was approximately 5 inches thick of mostly crushed fine char (from duck and human feet), that’s had water, duck poo, food, weeds, and greens in contact with some areas of it.
Taking a shovel and lightly scraping the top surface of the char off (and shaping it in to a better drain for the area), yielded a pile of fine, moist char. As the previous trial was successful enough, this trial is to determine whether or not Vetiver growth would be adequate in a hands-off managed char, that had longer “biochar charging” in contact with floor and ducks, and one that was crushed finer than my original trial.
There will be an update in 2 months.