Paddy Wall

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Here is a Before and After of the hedge that features in the Planting Guide.

It’s now approximately 1 year (2 weeks short) since planting. These have had no special care and this is its first cut besides an errant ride-on mower mowing one small part of the hedge.

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Char Pots

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When using Vetiver in degraded or difficult to maintain areas, sometimes using potted stock can give more reliable results as the slips will be fully rooted and established when planted out. This can increase survivability and growth rate of new plants. There is a chance, or a low percentage, of bareroot slips dying before they take which requires a second visit to close gaps with new slips. Potting stock uses soil or potting media and pots or bags which can be expensive at scale or requires more resources than a bareroot slip.

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Montville Slip Site

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Recently an individual contacted me regarding works on a minor slip site in Montville, Queensland. A large-scale planting project integrating a small amount of Vetiver on the slope amongst Araucaria Pines and rainforest trees below.

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